The Most Innovative New Supplement For Joint, Spine, Muscle, Tendon, Ligament & Skin Health To Come Along In Decades.

SLIDE™ is the first and only supplement in the world to provide people, dogs and horses with optimum daily amounts of the top three scientifically proven compounds needed to achieve real therapeutic benefits for a wide range of physiological and biological processes inside the mammalian body.

The #1 Cause of Osteoarthritis and Back Pain is
Insufficient Levels of Hyaluronic Acid in Joints and Discs.

Synovial fluid is the viscous substance that lubricates the joint so that friction on the articular cartilage on bone ends is minimized or prevented. This lubrication is what protects the cartilage from degeneration. The major nutrient that creates synovial fluid is hyaluronic acid; a compound made naturally by the body.

The Most Powerful Joint Supplement Available on the Market Today!

2,800 mg

High Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acid per Daily Serving

Shop Slide Joint Today

SLIDE™ provides the highest amounts of hyaluronic acid (HA) in the industry, helping to keep joints well lubricated and prevent articular cartilage degeneration. SLIDE™ also helps maintain the gel-like fluid inside intervertebral discs, helping prevent discs from shrinking and compressing. Please take the time to read our SLIDE™ e-books and learn how adequate amounts of hyaluronic acid can help maintain overall health and wellness for you and your beloved animals.

The Most Powerful Joint Supplement Available on the Market Today!

2,500 mg

High Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acid per Daily Serving

SLIDE™ provides the highest amounts of hyaluronic acid (HA) in the industry, helping to keep joints well lubricated and prevent articular cartilage degeneration. SLIDE™ also helps maintain the gel-like fluid inside intervertebral discs, helping prevent discs from shrinking and compressing. Please take the time to read our SLIDE™ e-books and learn how adequate amounts of hyaluronic acid can help maintain overall health and wellness for you and your beloved animals.

The Most Powerful Joint Supplement Available on the Market Today!

5,000 mg

High Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acid per Daily Serving

Shop Slide Joint Today

SLIDE™ provides the highest amounts of hyaluronic acid (HA) in the industry, helping to keep joints well lubricated and prevent articular cartilage degeneration. SLIDE™ also helps maintain the gel-like fluid inside intervertebral discs, helping prevent discs from shrinking and compressing. Please take the time to read our SLIDE™ e-books and learn how adequate amounts of hyaluronic acid can help maintain overall health and wellness for you and your beloved animals.

The Only Joint Supplement That Offers Complete Joint Support INSIDE AND OUT!

Slide ha+ supports the most critical aspects of joint health, ensuring optimal performance. It aids in hyaluronic acid production and synovial fluid retention, providing essential lubrication for the joints. Additionally, it enhances articular cartilage and connective tissue health, keeping  joints strong and resilient.

Synovial Fluid Production

Hyaluronic Acid

Synovial fluid production is crucial for joint lubrication and health.

Synovial Fluid Retention


Retaining synovial fluid is vital for joint lubrication and mobility.

Articular Cartilage Health

Collagen Type II

Healthy articular cartilage is crucial for protecting bone ends in joints.

Connective Tissue Health

Hydrolyzed Collagen

Healthy connective tissue is vital for joint stability and function.

Insufficient Levels of Synovial Fluid in Joints is the Primary Cause of Osteoarthritis.

Synovial fluid is the viscous substance that lubricates the joint so that friction on the articular cartilage on bone ends is minimized or prevented. This lubrication is what protects the cartilage from degeneration. The major nutrient that creates synovial fluid is hyaluronic acid; a compound made naturally by the body.

In the prime of life, considered to be the ages of 25 to 35, the body produces adequate amounts of hyaluronic acid. Unfortunately, production of hyaluronic acid significantly declines as humans and animals age, which leads to insufficient joint lubrication. Declining levels of hyaluronic acid also contributes to intervertebral disc degeneration, as the discs shrink and compress due to lack of fluid (hyaluronic acid is what draws in water and other nutrients to help keep the discs healthy, plump and tight between individual vertebrae). For many, this ultimately leads to back and neck pain, headaches, numbness and tingling in the extremities, and sciatica.

At age 25, the human body produces 5,000 mg of hyaluronic acid each day. At age 50, the body’s production will have declined to about 2,500 mg per day; half the amount it produced at age 25. Sadly, internal production of hyaluronic acid will continue to decline more and more each year until the end of life. SLIDE™ has been specifically formulated to address declining natural production of hylauronic acid in humans, dogs, and horses. Bringing levels of hyaluronic acid back up to what they once were in the prime of life allows the body to fight back against a multitude of ailments that occur due to insufficient amounts of hyaluronic acid.  

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30-Day Guarantee

We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you're not satisfied within 30 days, return the product for a full refund. Your satisfaction is our priority.

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Enjoy free shipping on all orders! Receive your premium joint health supplement delivered to your door at no extra cost. Start your journey today.


Seriously Advanced Cartilage Protection For People, Dogs & Horses

SLIDE ha+ Human

With an industry leading 2,800 mg of HA per daily serving, SLIDE ha+ for people is the global leader in professional joint lubrication for optimum protection of articular cartilage.

$60.00 USD - 30 to 60 day supply (free shipping)

SLIDE ha+ Canine

With an industry leading 350 mg to 2,500 mg of HA per daily serving, SLIDE ha+ for dogs provides professional canine joint lubrication for optimum protection of articular cartilage.

$60.00 USD - 30 to 120 day supply (free shipping)

SLIDE ha+ Equine

With an industry leading 5,000 mg of HA per daily serving, SLIDE ha+ for horses is the global leader in professional joint lubrication for optimum protection of articular cartilage.

$120.00 USD - 30 to 60 day supply (free shipping)

Experience the Most Potent Hyaluronic Acid Supplement on Earth for Joint, Spine, Tendon, & Skin Health....Theres Nothing Better!

Experience the Most Potent Hyaluronic Acid Supplement on Earth for Joint, Spine, Tendon, & Skin Health....Theres Nothing Better!

Experience the Most Potent Hyaluronic Acid Supplement on Earth for Joint, Spine, Tendon, & Skin Health....Theres Nothing Better!

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Customer Reviews

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Total reviews: 3

Shelly H.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor.


Keith and Marlene H.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor.


Brad R.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor.


Brad R.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor.


Brad R.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor.


Read how High-Dose Hyaluronic Acid is Helping Elite Equine Athletes

Understand the new era of joint supplementation and how it can take your horses performance to new levels.

Read Ebook


Our FAQ section is designed to provide you with clear and concise answers to common questions about our joint health supplement. From ingredient details to usage guidelines and shipping policies, we aim to address all your concerns, ensuring you have the information you need to make an informed decision. If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out to our customer support team.

Where can I find more information on SLIDE?

We highly recommend that you take the time to read the SLIDE™ ebooks here on our website. They are extremely informative and provide an in-depth overview of why SLIDE™ is so revolutionary for humans, dogs, and horses. There is also a tremendous amount of literature and studies to be found online about the benefits of hyaluronic acid and the vital role it plays in the body. Whether for joints, intervertebral discs, skin, eyes, tendons, ligaments, gastrointestinal tract or numerous other parts of the body that require sufficient hyaluronic acid, you will find a virtual treasure trove of information on this remarkable compound for human and animal health. We have long maintained that most people are generally unaware of how important hyaluronic acid truly is to overall health and wellness in humans and animals. The vast majority of people don’t realize how dramatically their own internal production of hyaluronic acid declines as they grow older. From a high of 5,000 milligrams a day of hyaluronic acid that the human body produces in the prime of life (ages 25 to 35) to producing just 2,500 milligrams a day at age 50, half of what their body once produced (and daily production continues declining each year until the end of life), it is very easy to see the correlation between diminishing natural production of hylauronic acid and various health related problems that begin to manifest in our body as hyaluronic acid levels decline. For several decades we have believed that hyaluronic acid - when taken in optimal dosages - is ‘The Fountain of Youth’ nutrient that we have long been searching for.

Does SLIDE have any side effects?

Hyaluronic acid is a compound naturally produced by the body. Side effects are very rare. It is also water soluble and does not get stored by the body like many fat soluble compounds do. Glucosamine and collagen type II are also well tolerated in people and animals and have no major side effects. Some people may experience stomach upset with glucosamine, if this occurs try taking SLIDE™ with food or take a lower dose and build up to the recommended dose.

Why is SLIDE such a great value compared to other HA brands?

If consumers knew the profit margins that are being made by some of the other hyaluronic acid supplement brands they would be absolutely shocked. There are literally hyaluronic acid products on the market for people, dogs, and horses where the manufacturer is CHARGING MORE THAN 30 TIMES (30X) the cost of the actual finished product. That means if they make it for $5.00 they sell it to you for $150.00. These insane profit margins are far more widespread than people realize. We, on the other hand, wanted SLIDE™ to be affordable so that more people can reap the amazing benefits of hyaluronic acid for themselves and their animals. Milligram for milligram of hyaluronic acid content versus our competition SLIDE™ is the best value of any HA supplement on the market today - BY FAR.

Can I take SLIDE just once a day?

Yes, you can take SLIDE™ once a day. However, we recommend taking it twice daily due to the extremely short half-life of hyaluronic acid, which averages just 4 minutes. Taking SLIDE™ twice daily keeps more hyaluronic acid circulating in your bloodstream over a 24 hour period than taking it just once a day. Many supplements, even pharmaceutical medications, often provide much better therapeutic benefits when they are taken more than once daily, especially if the active ingredient has a very short half-life.

Does SLIDE need to be taken every day?

Hyaluronic acid, like B and C vitamins, is water soluble and should be taken every day. If you are over the age of 35, your natural daily production of hyaluronic acid is already beginning to decline. As we point out in our ebooks, we are huge fans of preventative healthcare. Not only do we ourselves take 2,800 mg of hyaluronic acid per day, we also feed our dogs and horses sufficient daily amounts of hyaluronic acid to help them maintain overall health and wellness.